You should soon be getting a Support Letter, requesting your support to pray for us and (God-willing) help contribute financially to fund our mission.
If we don't have your address, please send me an e-mail at to be sure you get your letter! :) Family and friends should start getting letters this weekend or early next week.
Today I was struck by a passage from James 1. Air1's daily Scripture verse is James 1:23, and it didn't make sense without verse 24... which we quickly realized once we did a little further investigating. Anyway, this is what I mean:
James 1:22-27 says...
22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.
26 Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless. 27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Bayside has been helping us to see that we as Christians need to help change the view that many non-Christians have of us. We want to LOVE others... and be KNOWN for our acts of love, not known for just the law that we stand for. Christianity is also about GRACE... LOVE... the Gospel message is what balances out the LAW. So many non-believers do not know that we too deeply desire and require the other-half of that Law.... which is God's GRACE, mercy and forgiveness. :)
It's crazy to me how many doors are opening and how many "signs" (sounds cheesy I know), seem to be pointing us towards this trip to Kenya this summer. I definitely NEVER imagined that I would EVER get the chance to go visit the child I have sponsored in Kenya for the past 10 years. I had heard stories, but again, NEVER thought that could be me. And now... the wheels are slowly in motion to set up a day visit for my husband, Bryan, and I to spend a half or whole day at Oliva's (Oliver's) village just 20-30 km from where we'll be in/near Nariobi.
I must admit that I was fighting feelings of discouragement and doubt when we found a serious leak in our hot water line (under our master bathroom into the concrete foundation slab under the house).... which... first estimate to fix was $6,200... or $5,200 if paid in cash. We got a second opinion, and got a quote of $4,500. In my head... $4,300 = Africa.... soooo.... "Does that mean only one of us can go to Africa?" The cost of fixing a leak was the cost of ONE TRIP to Africa for our mission trip?! :( WHY?! Like I said, I was feeling discouraged. Now, granted... I'm still by no means "happy" about the leak. But I have come to grips that money is a very "fluid" material that comes and goes A LOT in life, especially as home owners, or car owners, or pet owners, or parents, etc.
Bryan has been, as always, a great comfort to me as I struggle with accepting God's promise in His verses that reference, "Who by worrying can add a single minute to his day?" and reminding us that the birds of the air and the lillies of the field do not worry about where they will sleep, or what they will eat, or what they will wear. You know... things like that... God can and will make provisions. We simply need to trust in Him and follow his advice. :)
With that said... we are stepping out in faith and offering our family and our friends (and anyone with a heart of compassion) to support us on our journey. We will be so thankful for each and every prayer and each and every dollar donation.
An easy way to donate.... go online to or the short-cut link to take you directly to the Global Outreach Support Page....
If you're local... save your recycling for us and we will gladly come pick up your cans & bottles. Every little bit helps and a little from many goes a long way. If every friend on my FaceBook page donated just $10, my trip would be paid for in full! :) (Bryan's friends may need to pay $20/each though.... ;-) hehe)
Thanks for your support! Leave me a note so I know you stopped by my blog... or FB / text/ e-mail me with any questions or comments. :)
In His Love,
Becca Ragle